Peel-Off Face Masks

Shower your Skin with Love

Leading a busy life? trapped in traffic or simply tired of living in big cities? Well, you are not alone! Did you know that having a tiring day not only affects our emotional state but our skin as well? The environment dulls it down with UV exposure, air pollutants, and low, or sometimes, a high level of humidity.

But no need to worry! SHIPPN is here for you. Nowadays apart from all the various salon appointments, you can enjoy at-home beauty treatments!  By the end of the day; take a shower, apply a peel-off mask, take a cup of tea or coffee, and let your skin finally relax.

SHIPPN helps you to be in your best image!

Experimenting with #peelofffacemasks could be a perfect mood-boosting beauty ritual that we love to do at home, and an exceptional way to load your skin with some TLC. Once you peel off the mask, you are left with smoother & tighter skin, as well as cleaner pores. How satisfying!

SHIPPN selected the top masks for your skin. Here are a few #peelofffacemasks which will grant you a gorgeous glowing complexion with no hustle.

GLAMGLOW Gravitymud Firming Treatment mask

Being perfect for all skin types this #peelofffacemask is designed to tighten the pores for a smoother appearance of your skin. And you know what? According to a consumer study conducted on 151 people; 92% of the consumers who applied GLAMGLOW Gravitymud Firming Treatment mask twice a week agreed that their skin looked firm. Oh, and, by the way! It changes color from white to a vibrant chrome while it dries.

Shiseido WASO: Purifying peel-off mask

Looking for a selfie-friendly mask? Shiseido Waso purifying peel-off mask is a perfect match! its main ingredient is the red shiso leaf which is a great antioxidant.

Shiseido Waso is a pink metallic #peelofffacemask that helps to reduce the dullness and uneven texture of your skin and makes it perfect for a selfie.

Nassif MD Facelift peel-off mask

Struggling with breakouts? With Nassif MD Facelift peel-off mask you can get rid of them quite easily. The charcoal in its long list of skin-clearing ingredients acts like a deep-pore magnet and draws out dirt in your skin leaving your pores cleansed and detoxified. Meanwhile, the salicylic acid, the second main ingredient, dissolves excess oil in your skin.

Have you tried already one of these #peelofffacemasks?

Leave your comment below and let us know if you liked them.

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